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How To Setup HP Officejet 8702 Printer?

· HP Officejet 8702


HP Officejet 8702 (Step 1) The printer package is beingunpacked. 

In the HP Officejet 8702 Wifi printer setup, the first stepmust be followed. 

 Placethe printer and its components on a flat, smooth surface. 

  Removeall of the unwanted stickers from the hp Officejet 8702 Printer and other itemsin the package. 

Step 2: 

 Connectthe power cord to the HP Officejet 8702. 

 Theconnection of the HP Officejet 8702 power cord is the most important step inensuring a continuous connection between the printer and other devices. 

 Turn onthe devices and connect the printer and PC to the network. 

 To checkthat the OJ8702 setup is correct, print a test print. 

HP Officejet 8702 (Step 3) Ink cartridges are installed. 

 Installthe HP Officejet 8702 ink cartridges into the printer's corresponding slots. 

 Removeall packing tapes and annoying covers from the cartridges' surfaces. 

 Pressthe nozzle into the cartridge slots with the nozzle facing the HP 8702 printeruntil it settles into place. 

HP Officejet 8702 (Step 4) Stacking the documents 

Sheetsthat must be kept properly on the tray for printing should be kept on the inputplate. 

• Adjustthe page sizes to the guidebook's specifications. 

• Maintainthe portrait orientation of the page while facing downward. 

• Do notfill the input tray with more than 250 sheets. 

• Replacethe input plate in its original location. 

Download the HP Officejet 8702 driver for Windows. 

Install the driver for high-quality printingby following the steps below. 

• Checkthe internet connection after turning on the machine. 

• Look forthe HP Officejet 8702 driver that is compatible with your Windows operatingsystem version. 

• Startthe installation process by downloading the driver file. 

• Tofinish the setup, follow the instructions on the wizard screen. 

• Tocomplete the HP Officejet 8702 driver installation, select the network setup(USB/Wireless). 

• Toconfirm appropriate configuration, print a sample printout. 

Download the HP Officejet 8702 driver for Mac. 

• Toinstall the driver for the MAC Operating System, follow thesteps below. 

• Checkyour internet connection after turning on your MAC PC. 

• Look forthe HP Officejet 8702 driver that is compatible with your Mac OS. 

• Startthe installation process by downloading the most recent driver software. 

• Followthe steps outlined on the wizard's screen. 

• Tofinish the driver installation, select the networkconnectivity method. 

• Take atest print to ensure that the driver setup is correct. 

Setup HP Officejet 8702 Wireless 

• WindowsHP Officejet 8702 Wireless Setup 

• Turn onyour computer, router, and printer. 

• Go tothe control panel and select the wireless option for network connection. 

• SelectWireless Setup Wizard, type your network name into the search box, and thenclick. 

• Take asample printout after the setup is complete to check appropriate configuration. 

Setup HP Officejet 8702 Wireless on a Mac 

• Todetermine which approach is appropriate for wireless setup on a Mac, the userneeds first grasp the OS version. 

• Theadvanced driver software should be downloaded andinstalled. 

• Learnall of the necessary information regarding the router. • Make the necessary changes to thenetwork settings and push the router's button. After establishing a connection,the computer is ready to print in high quality.